Logo Pricing

Stock........................................... Custom .............................................Signatures


Any logo published on this site

from CD's or Volumes

$45 - $110

MOST custom logos are $45

Custom lettering may raise the cost



Volume discounts may apply

You can send artwork in MOST any format, you can send several formats, and let us choose which works best.

We usally send a logo in the format for the engraving machine. We can also send the logo in a viewable format.(.bmp .jpg .pcx .tif .gif .pdf etc)

We can send or return the logo on several mediums....E-Mail(prefered).........CD....... 5.25 - diskette.........3.5 - disk.......or send your thumb drive

Shipping is US Mail Ground $3.00 .............US Priority Mail(2-3 day)$8.00............US Express Mail(next day) $22.00

Pantagraph Templates - $55 ..................... slide on back(optional) $10