Click on Name to display font
ADASET2 rout out of 13 sysbols
ADASET3 background rout away of 13 sysbols ARROWS14 "build an arrow" & arrows in circles
ARROWSET classic "build an arrow" outline & routed ARRSET1 routed & outline arrow heads different directions
ARRSET2 routed & ouline bent arrows BRAIL30 grade 2 rout leave dot raised font (need Translator, $50)
BRAILPT drill holes for "rasters" beads (need translator, $50) CANADA11 Canada providences
CORNER "build" a rounded or clipped corner engraving ELEVALL outline, rout, or backrout of elevator symbols
RECYCLE1 outline recycle symbols 1 - 7 RECYCLE2 routed recycle symbols 1 - 7
RECYCLE3 background rout recycle symbols 1 - 7 UTILITY Roman Numerals,copyright,registered,stars,@,arrows
UTILITY2 goemetric shapes UTILITY3 single line missing symbols & foreign font symbols


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E-Mail.... logos@lamro.com

Lamro Logos
47 S. Horne
Mesa, AZ 85204
voice/tech .. . .480-292-9155
tollfree orders 866-623-9754
FAX . . . . . . . 480-964-4371