D1.2 and D1.3
- We recommend
that you engrave a sample of the logo when you receive it.
- If you have two
floppy drives, put the logo disk in floppy drive.
- If you have
a hard drive, copy the logo to the hard drive (drive C).
- From the main
menu select #1 Layout.
- Set up your layout
as you normally would.
- Select the text
prompt on the line you want to engrave the logo. Type in the name
of the logo like this @#LOGONAMELOG@#
- You do not have
to change the font style, as the computer ignores this.
- We recommend
that you engrave a sample of the logo when you receive it.
- Put
the logo disk in drive A. If you have a hard drive, copy the logo
to the hard drive (drive C) into the logo subdirectory (e.g. C:\ENGRAVE\LOGOS).
(Note: The extension for the logo should be LOG; for example, TEST.LOG.)
- From the main
menu select #1 layout (by Screen) or #2 layout (by Line).
- Set up your layout
as you normally would.
- Select the text
prompt on the line you want to engrave the logo. Type in the name
of the logo like this LOGONAME.LOG and type in @#
for the font style.
D1.4V2 & D1.4V3 *
- We recommend
that you engrave a sample of the logo when you receive it.
- If you have two
floppy drives, put the logo disk in drive B; otherwise, put the logo
disk in drive A. If you have a hard drive, copy the logo to the hard
drive (drive C) into the logo subdirectory (e.g. C:\ENGRAVE\LOGOS).
(Note: The extension for the logo should be LGO; for example, TEST.LGO.)
- From the main
menu select #1 Layout (by Screen) or #2 Layout (by Line).
- Set up your layout
as you normally would.
- Select the text
prompt on the line you want to engrave the logo. Type in the name
of the logo like this LOGONAME and type in @#
for the font style.